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Sales consulting services for manufacturers

Sales Solutions

Improve your revenue with proven and practical sales solutions.

Manufacturers who want to improve net-new sales from both existing and prospective customers can count on the help of MAGNET’s tenured team of sales executives and trusted service partners. Together, we deliver and implement a clearly defined sales process, and we establish the proper goals and KPIs to drive the right selling behaviors from your team.

Sales assessment icon

Comprehensive Qualitative &
Quantitative Sales Assessment

Analyze your current-state efforts
against benchmarked best
practices, followed by a prescriptive
list of recommendations to increase
overall team effectiveness.

Sales process icon

Develop & Implement Formal
Sales Process

Founded on the principles of
MAGNET’s proprietary TOPMAP
methodology, we provide the
custom tools and training
specifically tailored to satisfy the
unique needs and goals of your
sales organization.

Sales coaching icon

Provide Ongoing Sales Coaching
& Fractional Sales Leadership

Work hands-on with the sales team
to reinforce the tactical elements
and practices necessary to
transition to a more profitable,
predictable and purposeful
manner of selling.

Spectrum Infrared Inc.

"As a result of the lead generating workshop, our company was inspired to review our sales practices and evaluate our CRM software/systems. In the past 12 months, we have increased production staff and invested in new machinery to make us more competitive on price capabilities and lead times. I am looking forward to our continued relationship."

Timothy Bodziony, Sales Engineer, Western U.S.




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FirstPower Case Study

View our full library of case studies.