Capacity & Productivity
We analyze your processes and technologies, then develop a future state plan to meet the needs of your business and increase efficiency.
Our team can lead these initiatives for any or all parts of your business — from the business office to the engineering process and shop floor to shipping. Services include but are not limited to:
- Kaizen Events
- Lean Operations Training
- Lean Office Solutions
- Lean Plant Layout
- Single Minute Exchange of Dies
- Waste Walks
- Standard Equipment Specification
- Executive & Shop Floor Knowledge Building
“Our experience with the MAGNET Team has been exceptional and has provided visible and tangible results very quickly.”
Nick Ballas, President
Increased and retained sales
New and retained jobs
New investment
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For Capacity and Productivity projects, our Operations team uses Matterport, a software that helps users realize the full potential of space. Take a look at our new headquarters through the lens of this tool.