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New to the Newsletter: Manufacturing Reads

AdobeStock_226771232-2Unlike other states, manufacturing makes up the largest sector of the Ohio economy, and accounts for 17% of GDP. With over 12,000 manufacturing firms in the state and over 660,000 jobs depending on the health of the industry, it can be difficult to keep up with the most relevant news, updated best practices, and legislative changes. That's why we have added a new section to our newsletter: Manufacturing Reads. Every month, we will include some of the top manufacturing new stories from across the state. Below, we've attached news and updates from our February Newsletter, which covers everything from labor shortages to the Academy Awards. Want to be kept in the loop for March? Sign-up for our monthly newsletter here, or follow us on LinkedIn.

Last Month's News Stories:

:: In case you missed it, here's MAGNET's CEO Ethan Karp with the Plain Dealer addressing manufacturing's labor shortage

:: Not unlike MAGNET's Early College Early Career Program, these Ohio Colleges are partnering with area manufacturers to address the labor gap

:: Dayton area filmmakers won an Academy Award for their film "American Factory," based on a Chinese company re-purposing an old GM factory in Moraine, Ohio

:: The Harvard Business Review also conducted an in-depth strategic discussion about the same factory mentioned above

:: Vega Industries plans to build their $50M global headquarters in Southwest Ohio 

:: Ashland-based Barbesol keeps ahead of the trends

:: Honda reaches a new milestone: 20 millionth car manufactured in Ohio

:: Nationwide Children's Hospital to create Andelyn Biosciences, to manufacture gene therapy products

:: The Department of Energy loan that Lordstown Motors planned to use to re-tool the defunct GM plant is cut from the first round federal budget

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