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From Zombies to Pit Crews: Diana Kander’s Playbook for Driving Innovation

Mariana_Edelman_Photography_Magnet_2024_Edge_257MAGNET hosted innovators of all kinds, from CEOs to entrepreneurs, for an engaging and thought-provoking presentation by best-selling author and innovation expert, Diana Kander. Known for her impactful insights on the role of curiosity in driving innovation, Kander delivered a talk that combined actionable strategies, entertaining case studies, and thought-provoking stories.

Drawing on her book Curiosity Muscle, Kander emphasized that curiosity is not just an attribute but a skill that can transform organizational cultures and fuel innovation. She shared her experiences working with executives and boards to craft multi-billion dollar products and lead culture transformations, making a compelling case for curiosity's role in reshaping businesses for growth​.

The core of her presentation centered on four habits to grow your organization:

  1. Raise the Bar on What Gets a "Yes": Kander introduced a 1-10 evaluation scale, urging companies to only move forward with initiatives that rate highly. This approach filters out mediocre ideas and focuses energy on projects that promise significant impact.
  2. Kill the Zombies: She encouraged the audience to identify and eliminate "zombies" – processes or initiatives that drain energy without yielding enough value. Kander recommended a dedicated "zombie hunting" period in November to clear the path for fresh initiatives in the new year.
  3. Reimagine What’s Possible: Innovators, she explained, don't settle for what is – they imagine what could be. She urged companies to reimagine one area of their business each year, continuously pushing toward version 2.0 of their operations.
  4. Build a Pit Crew: Kander highlighted the importance of collaboration and learning to delegate. She emphasized that bringing in outside observers or specialists can accelerate progress and enhance the quality of work, likening it to the efficiency of a pit crew in a race.

One of the key takeaways was the importance of creating space for creativity. Kander warned against the all-too-common back-to-back meeting schedules that leave no room for innovation. Instead, she encouraged participants to lean into curiosity, say no to unnecessary tasks, and focus on delegating effectively to their "pit crews."

Her final call to action resonated strongly with the attendees: stay curious, continuously raise the bar, and embrace a mindset that sees beyond the present, imagining new possibilities for growth and innovation​.

Diana Kander left the MAGNET community inspired and empowered to make curiosity a cornerstone of their innovation strategies. Her visit not only reinforced the importance of reimagining what's possible but also provided tangible steps to make that vision a reality. The key takeaway? Innovation isn’t about having all the answers—it's about staying curious and continuously asking the right questions.

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