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InnoQuest Explores Quantum Computing & Discovery at the Cleveland Clinic

EDGE’s Innovation Management Program, InnoQuest, brings together innovation leaders from 20+ different Northeast Ohio companies to discuss best practices in managing the innovation process, develops new working relations with peer companies and creates actionable steps to improve their company’s innovation practices. Last month, the group met at Cleveland Clinic to discuss Quantum Computing and view the first-of-its-kind IBM Quantum System One.

Recently, Cleveland Clinic and IBM entered a 10-year partnership to establish the Discovery Accelerator. This partnership leverages Cleveland Clinic’s research and clinical expertise and IBM’s global leadership in computing technologies. Unveiled in March 2023, the IBM Quantum System One installed at Cleveland Clinic is the first quantum computer in the world uniquely dedicated to healthcare research. Designed by IBM in Yorktown, NY and built in Cleveland, the system reaches a temperature of -452 degrees Fahrenheit inside the cylinder pictured below, which is as cold as outer space! Protected by the same type of glass used to encase the Mona Lisa and the crown jewels, specialty floors were also developed to absorb vibration and protect the computing system. The typical bench-to-bedside timeframe is 17 years for a scientific discovery in a research lab to become an approved test of therapy for patients. This collaboration aims to reduce that gap.

The InnoQuest group also heard from the Cleveland Clinic about their dedication to educating the future workforce. A partnership with Cleveland State University, Case Western Reserve University and Kent State University will work to develop a workforce in the data sciences, healthcare and quantum computing space. Presenters also shared updates on the development of the Cleveland Innovation District, which is a JobsOhio initiative to foster the region’s healthcare hub and to create a place for leaders from all industries to collide and share ideas.

Innovation is at the forefront of the Cleveland Clinic’s mission to improve patient lives. With 2,400+ patents issued, 600+ active licenses and 44 active startups, they are constantly filling the research and innovation pipeline to positively impact patient lives. Two research towers are currently under construction on campus to provide additional lab spaces, such as the one pictured below.

Being among such cutting-edge talent inspired deep discussion about the future of technology for not only the individual companies represented, but also the collective Cleveland metro area. Thank you to the team from the Cleveland Clinic for their insight and inspiration!


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