Celebrate the New Manufacturing Innovation, Technology & Job Center 10/28
The Manufacturing Innovation, Technology and Job Center is on a t-minus countdown, as our grand opening celebrations are in less than two months! On October 28, the doors of our new headquarters at 1800 East 63rd Street in the Hough neighborhood of Cleveland will be open to the public for an all-out manufacturing experience and celebration.
The open house begins at 1:30 in the afternoon and will go until 6:00 p.m., with 95.9 WOVU on site to emcee and celebrate with us! Manufacturers, neighborhood residents, clients, friends and family are all invited to share in the excitement and opportunity our new state-of-the-art building is creating for Northeast Ohio.
The day’s activities and features include:
- Guided tours
- Self tours
- Industry 4.0 demonstrations
- Hands-on manufacturing experiences
- Job fair
- Open playground
- Free food, drinks and music
- Pick-up basketball games with the Shaw High School varsity team!
Building Features Include:
- Industry 4.0 Technologies
- Startup Manufacturing Spaces
- Engineering Support
- Workforce Engagement Activities
- Job Concierge
- STEM-Themed Park & Playground
Please mark your calendars for October 28, and plan on experiencing modern manufacturing!