The vision set forward by The Blueprint for Manufacturing in Northeast Ohio inspires all of MAGNET's work. The Blueprint identifies four pillars, each of which drives our all our efforts: Talent, Innovation, Transformation and Leadership.
MAGNET VP Launches Book Based on Iterator Framework
MAGNET VP of Strategy & Innovation Brandon Cornuke (and Case Western Reserve University adjunct professor) has found every way to share his passion for manufacturing and experience in product development. At first, it was by way of working one-on-one with entrepreneurs through MAGNET's Iterator (now New Ventures) and his business students at CWRU's Weatherhead School of Management. Wanting to connect with an even broader audience and assist more entrepreneurs, Cornuke has written The Value Proposition Matrix and helped launch the Advanced Manufacturing Fund.
New Venture Team Expands 2022 Mspire, Now Accepting Apps
Last year’s Mspire, MAGNET's annual pitch challenge for Ohio-based manufacturing-focused entrepreneurs, garnered such high-quality results that we're expanding this year's competition. Mspire 2022 features earlier event dates (July 26 and 28), an afterparty at which presenters, judges and the manufacturing community can network, the premier of the Blueprint's Innovation mini-documentary and the involvement of a new partner, ProMedica Innovations in Toledo. Applications for product-based concepts and advanced manufacturing innovations are being accepted through May 31.
Last Chance: Register for Industry 4.0 Lighthouse Webinar
Be inspired to take the leap into modern manufacturing with the guidance of local manufacturers who have recently added Industry 4.0 technology to their facilities. Register now for our panel discussion via webinar featuring
Our Manufacturing Innovation, Technology and Job Center is halfway complete! Read more to learn about the forward-thinking building, generous donors and info about Opening Day.