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MAGNET VP Brandon Cornuke Releases Book, Helps Launch Investor Group




Formerly with Target and American Greetings, Cornuke offers entrepreneurs and innovators a simple guide to create and launch successful products 

MAGNET VP of Strategy & Innovation Brandon Cornuke has found every way to share his passion for manufacturing and experience in product and innovation development. At first, it was by way of working one on one with entrepreneurs through MAGNET's Iterator, now the New Ventures team, which combines MAGNET's manufacturing experience with lean startup methods to help entrepreneurs meet consumer demand. Also an adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management, Cornuke has the opportunity to broadcast his knowledge to his students, a large, but still-contained audience.

Brandon Cornuke YouTube Thumbnail


To help startups and innovators everywhere craft marketable products that truly solve consumers' problems, Cornuke has been working to solidify, consolidate and get his four-part strategy down on paper. With this, he’s written and published the book, The Value Proposition Matrix. And as the name indicates, Cornuke concisely presents how product developers can methodically think through the value proposition their creations offer.

Many innovators simply need better tools to help hone their thinking, illuminate the most likely hazards and streamline the journey from idea to launch and beyond. “I’ve worked with innovators of all types, from established companies to fledgling startups,” Cornuke says. “The challenges they face are always unique but the core questions they need to answer are all the same.”

Cornuke's book is now available on Amazon and his website in both hard copy and digital formats.


Cornuke, who is a judge at the 2022 Mspire challenge, has also been integral in the launch of the Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF). The AMF is a new venture group that invests in high-potential start-ups that require manufacturing work. The six-person funding and management team works to seek and vet valuable products and ideas that involve manufacturing, and they are excited to announce the fund’s first investment soon!


The AMF is actively seeking more investment opportunities for the coming year to help other regional start-ups take advantage of the manufacturing potential Northeast Ohio offers.

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